Lagos is one of the most congested cities in Africa and this is obviously because it is super populated and at the same time, small in size. 40 percent of cars in Lagos are  registered and with that, traffic is inevitable. Commuters spend at least three hours in traffic each day. Traffic congestion leads to many problems for the residents of Lagos.


The reality is most people want to do the right thing, but sometimes they don’t have the knowledge of self-awareness to do so until you create the rules. There has been a very strict approach to traffic management in the city of Lagos. This extends to bringing every resident of the state to a whole new level of sanity and punishment for breaking Lagos traffic rules. 


Below, we will highlight some traffic offenses in Lagos as well as the penalties that come with breaking them.


  • DRIVING WITHOUT A DRIVERS LICENSE: If you are caught driving without your drivers license by the traffic law management agency, your car will be impounded.


  • DRIVING AN UNPAINTED TAXI WITHOUT PERMIT: In Lagos, the known taxis are painted yellow. If for any reason you want to use a car as a taxi without painting it yellow, you need to get a permit.The traffic penalty for not having the required permit is to have such vehicles impounded.


  • SMOKING WHILE DRIVING: Smoking while driving is a violation of the Lagos state traffic law and attracts a fine of N30,000 or have the car impounded.


  • DRIVING WITH A WORN OUT TYRE: Driving with a worn out tyre or tyres is against the traffic law and attracts a fine of N30,000 if your tyre is considered to be in bad driving condition.


  • DISOBEYING TRAFFIC CONTROL PERSONNEL: Penalty for a first offender is #20,000. Subsequent offender is N30,000. In addition to that, impoundment of cars and (Lagos State Drivers’ Institute) LASDRI training.


  • NEGLECT OF TRAFFIC DIRECTIONS: Penalty for this is; letting go of your vehicle to the state. In addition to that, One(1) month community service/six(6) months imprisonment.


  • FAILURE TO YIELD TO RIGHT OF WAY FOR PEDESTRIAN AT A ZEBRA CROSSING:  A fine for a first offender is #20,000. Subsequent offender is N30,000. In addition to that, impoundment of cars and LASDRI training.


  • VIOLATION OF ROUTES BY COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: Penalty for a first offender is #20,000. Subsequent offender is N30,000. In addition to that, impoundment of cars and LASDRI training.


  • WRONGFUL OVERTAKING OF OTHER VEHICLE:  Breaking this rule attracts a fine of N20,000 for a first offender and N30,000 for a subsequent offender.In addition to that, Imprisonment for a term of three (3) years or both fine and imprisonment


  • FAILURE TO GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON THE LEFT AT THE ROUNDABOUT: Penalty for a first offender is #20,000. Subsequent offender is N30,000. In addition to that, impoundment of cars and LASDRI training.


It has been said that a special court will be created to try offenders, who will be made to serve their punishment if found guilty at the point of contravention.


Always remember that Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. So, always ensure to get your car from trusted dealers to avoid cars that break down in the middle of the road, causing nuisance hence leading to traffic.

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